97% of your website visitors will not convert into leads. Lead pages were designed to capture more visitors. Their brief, sexy, straight-to-the-point approach can capture as many as 87.5% clickers. A mobile-friendly lead page optimized for conversions can help you collect more leads at no additional cost.
There’s a 50/50 chance that any landing page is optimized for mobile devices. If your landing page doesn’t look and work optimally on mobile, you are potentially losing half your visitors. Have a look at the percentage of mobile device website traffic.

Making different landing pages for each device would be a solution, but who has time for that? Plus keep in mind you can’t always control what device is a landing page accessed from.
Creating mobile-friendly landing pages comes with technical challenges. Marketing and web-development are close friends, but they’re not the same person. Drag & drop editable lead page templates allow people with no technical skills to get the job done.
Facebook Ad Template

With the amount of testing that needs to be done for social ads, using a 5-minute drag & drop landing page is a real time saver. This template is ideal for outbound ad campaigns on various channels and screen sizes, as it is simple, straight-forward and offers basic lead segmentation that can trigger Pixel events for custom audiences.
Personal Profile Template

This template is ideal for strengthening your personal brand, influencer campaigns or including a testimonial on your lead page. 88% of consumers place high-trust in testimonials so including one in your landing page is a good idea if you’re trying to increase conversions. Freelancer portfolios can also be built by customizing this template.
Marketing Lead Gen Template

There are many approaches to converting your clickers. Educational is one of them. Teaching your audience industry skills, especially int he B2B space, will provide early up-front value that’s hard not to sign up for. Value led approaches create content with a high virality potential that’s actually helpful to your industry.
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Get Free Guide Template

Free guides are another commonly used example of early up-front value. Exchanging emails for freebies sounds like a good deal to most people, which is why ebooks, infographics and pdfs are a staple in content-centric lead gen strategies.
Agency Lead Gen Template

Creating custom service pricing for each client is time-consuming, which is why most agencies stick to predetermined packages. A smart landing page can take this task out of your hands. Asking a few questions and displaying a menu of prices that each customer can put together to create a custom priced service package makes this lead page template a real time-saver.
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Get Free Consultation Template

Sales-driven businesses chase after a fully booked calendar. But sales reps have no idea how to fill them. This template allows anyone to schedule online appointments, from any device. Adding advanced form featured like Logic Jump can automatically pre-screen your landing page viewers and only show the booking link to qualified leads.
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White Paper Download Template

Exchanging freebies for emails is common practice for a simple reason: it works. Your landing page viewers land there in the first place because they want the downloadable content and having to enter an email to do so is not a high price to pay. Free is always a good price.
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Coming Soon Website Template

Using a quick lead page as a placeholder while you’re working on your website gives you one major advantage: having an audience for your launch. Placeholder landing pages collect leads before your actual website goes live, allowing you to start promoting your services.
Event Invitation Template

Events are an obvious way to connect with your audience on a face-to-face level. Even online events like webinars and online conferences create personal experiences you wouldn’t have been able to provide otherwise. With this template, event registrations can be as easy to collect as email addresses.
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Download Ebook Template

Ebooks paired with brand online courses are the pinnacle of educational marketing. They provide the most value per megabyte and help establish your authority on any subject. Using trust as a selling point and leading with value is guaranteed to give your landing page more submissions at more additional advertising cost.
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Get Quote Template

Custom quote calculation can significantly delay your sales cycle. Why not just let your landing page calculate it for you automatically? With this template, you can. Clickers can calculate their quote without having to contact a person, which adds transparency and removes unnecessary steps and roadblocks.
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Creative Project Brief Template

If the services you offer are even remotely creative, you know how frustrating it is to work with vague project guidelines. Make it easy for your prospects to describe what they need. Ask specific questions, offer guidelines, and follow-up on the specifics. This template does that for you in a beautiful, seamless, and automated way.