Over time, customers are becoming more and more demanding for personalization, quality of service, speed of interaction with the brand, design, and other components. Using game elements in marketing campaigns will provide the target audience with an engaging interactive experience and increase conversions. Let's take a look at what quizzes are and why users like them so much, as well as look at 10 successful examples.
Get Started: Make A Lead Generation Personality Quiz
Using One Of Our 300+ Templates
What is a Lead Generation Quiz?
Lead generation quizzes are interactive and fun quizzes that gather customer insights. They are useful for both your audience and your business. Lead generation quizzes are also easy to acquire, whether it be a premade template online, or a personalized, custom quiz created by a graphic designer.
Quizzes create a fun and personal experience of interacting with the site/application, while increasing conversions. They provide a huge flow of information for analysis in order to continue doing what customers love.
Why Do Quizzes Work?
Quizzes are the personalization that users everywhere want to see. It is also a cost-effective option to ask your customers for whatever they need to know.
Marketers believe that introducing a quiz is necessary before completing a purchase at the dating stage. Then it will be possible to establish contact immediately, which will increase the chance of positive interaction.
The main task of using quizzes is to manage your lead generation strategy:
attracting a large flow of traffic - increases brand awareness and attracts traffic;
information assault - helps to collect all the necessary information about clients and their preferences without intrusiveness and annoyance, dividing them into qualified and unskilled;
the division into categories - will allow you to distribute the target audience into interest groups and conduct them according to a certain path model.
Quiz is a powerful strategy for any industry and niche, B2C and B2B.
10 Types of Quizzes with Examples
There are 10 main types of quizzes. We have prepared an example for each of them.
1. By Way of Life
The first and foremost rule of the quiz is that it must be interesting. Then users will be more willing to answer questions, and if you ask 1 uncomfortable question among 9 relevant ones, they will not notice the substitution and will be more willing to answer them.
Ask a question about lifestyle, when the person wakes up in the morning, and/or how many cups of coffee they drink, even if it is not directly related to your brand. For example, Beardbrand did the quiz “What kind of beard are you?”. In it, he asks not only about beard care but also about his favorite brand of the care line of cosmetics and clothing, place of residence, etc.

Moving beyond the brand itself will give you important customer data that you can use. For example, email and residence address, individual customer preferences, and get customer support because of the personalization they like.
The users themselves will also greatly benefit by offering products according to their lifestyle.
2. By the Style of Appearance
Brand NYX offers an amazing quiz where the participant indicates the characteristics and the desired result that it wants to get. After answering simple questions, the user receives a list of products needed to achieve the result.
For example, girls with fairly sparse eyebrows can get wide and bright. Or vice versa, make them softer and less pronounced. Just a few clicks and you will see personalized recommendations and products that will help you with this.
In addition, there are instructions for use on the product page. Thus, the brand increases the average check and helps customers to make a successful purchase.

3. Consulting
Quizzes aimed at consulting are also popular with users. For example, a consultation on the choice of shampoo, based on the length and type of hair, as well as the expected result. For example, the OUAI brand offered this to its customers.
At the stage between viewing the result and the recommendations, the user pops up the window “Saving results” and “Adding results to the basket”.
Realizing that not everyone will agree to proceed with the purchase, the result can be linked to an email. For more personalized end-user experience, the company can further utilize the functionality of walkie talkie apps to send a personalized voice message to the potential customers. This will make the customers feel special and they will attempt to associate further.

4. Solving the Problem
Girls often like to experiment with their looks. But what if you help them avoid the risks and get the desired result even before dyeing their hair? This is exactly what the online store sallybeauty.com did.
With the help of this technique, it helps girls find the perfect color and protect themselves from unsuccessful experiments. After the test, you can purchase a paint of a suitable color. Thus, the brand not only increases sales, but also works to improve loyalty indicators.

5. Analytical
Detailed analytical quizzes based on expert data and scientific research are also interesting for buyers. For example, Care / of uses them to help people choose their own nutritional supplement. The client can analyze their goals and life principles to help their body. Despite the fact that the quiz on the site is very large, users pass it with interest, because they appreciate the result.
The little marketing strategy gimmicks are almost elusive to customers. So, when they pass half of the quiz, the Care / of asks for an email address to send the results. Due to the long and interesting journey, the user agrees to the terms.

6. Stimulated
Some clients will not pay special attention to the complexity and duration of the quiz if there are bonuses after completing it. For example, a gift or a discount. Even if you ask for detailed information, many will calmly write it down in the field.
This type of quiz is used by Trade Coffee. They offer a good discount after passing.

7. To Open a Product
If you want to show your value to a new customer who knows nothing about you, take an example from the Warby Parker online store. He offers to answer simple questions (type of face, eye color, favorite frames, etc.) to help you choose glasses. In the middle, it also asks for an email address, but this is not a mandatory procedure.
Instead, the store uses a more interesting maneuver. At the end of the quiz, it demonstrates the result and offers a 5-day free trial of the glasses at home. This brings him very close to the client. The latter shares personal data and accepts the terms.

8. Quizzes with Closed Offers
You can encourage customers to take quizzes and closed offers. For example, Fabletics is using this strategy with new customers. In the end, they just provide a discount on the first order, but everyone likes the intrigue, so people agree to all conditions.

9. Honorable Mentions
When a customer lands on your site, they don't always know what they want. That's why website development should be as simple and without unnecessary features as possible. Don't overload it with recommendation pop-ups, be more efficient like dslaboratories.com.
The quiz is on the home page and helps new clients find an effective solution. The user answers all questions related to the problem of hair loss and at the end the brand offers effective remedies for its removal.

10. Recommendations
And again, the personalization loved by users. The quiz is suitable for online cosmetics stores, it should consist of questions in which the client will tell about his skin characteristics. It is used by Sephora. This is a wonderful way to help users choose the right cosmetics. After a survey, the store offers funds based on the user's needs. And you don't need to register.

Get Started: Make A Lead Generation Personality Quiz
Using One Of Our 300+ Templates
Implementing lead generation quizzes in your marketing campaign is an opportunity to get a powerful tool to increase the conversion of your sales or growth funnel. Besides appealing to users, they are an effective way of collecting information.
You can also sync new leads directly and streamline your data management process by integrating it with your email marketing software. There are many cheap and free email marketing tools that allow an easy integration.
Previously, marketers were afraid to ask unnecessary questions to customers. This instantly reduced conversion, today everything is exactly the opposite. You can no longer waste time looking for unqualified leads, the quiz will do everything for you. We have analyzed several examples that will become an inspiration for the implementation of ideas. Use them for your purposes.